Wednesday, November 18, 2009


"O, give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever." Psalm 118:1

I posted earlier in the year that fall is my favorite season. The cool, brisk wind blows ushering in manifold colors and harvest time. Football games, apple picking, country fairs, school and caramel apples follow in quick pursuit of the change. Fall is also a time of culinary treats such as pork roast, turnip greens, and sweet potatoes. Warm foods fill our bellies as the temperatures cool.

Not far behind, and all too often here before we can believe, comes Thanksgiving. I enjoy every year pulling out my leaves, Indian corn, acorns, pumpkins, and dishes that decorate our home throughout the fall. Thanksgiving is by far my favorite celebration. I am reminded of our basic obligations to our God and Father. I think of how blessed I have been and am. There is a flood of remembrances as I seek to thank the One who is the "giver of every good and perfect gift". I am also keenly aware of the debt of love that was paid for me by Jesus Christ. Yet, He did not stop there, He sent the "Comforter" who abides with me,

Contemplation of our triune GOD fills my heart and mind with gratitude. He has been so kind to me. He has faithfully walked with me all the days of my life leading me and holding me in His hands. He has brought many godly influences into my life like Granny and Papaw, Matt, Bebe, Milton and Lain, Dr. P and Sissy, Sonny and Patsy, Iain and Louise, Bernie and family, and Kimberly. He has given me a husband who loves me warts, hurts, and all. He has blessed me with five covenant children and promises to hope for their salvation. He has allowed me to see fruits of the spirit in the lives of my children and growth in grace. He has carried me in dark valleys, dried my tears, and given me many joys. He has faithfully continued to sanctify me applying in needful succession sorrows, disappointments, distress, and content hours of calm as needed to keep me in "neither riches not poverty... lest I be full and deny (HIM) ... or lest I be poor and steal and profane the name of my God". ( Prov. 30:8-9)

I could sing of the mercies of the Lord with thankfulness forever. I only scratch the vast surface. It is like looking at the ocean and seeing water for as far as the eye can take in and realizing that we only can comprehend the surface... what about the depth!

I encourage each of you to take account over the next few days. Consider the many blessings of being a follower of Jehovah. Think of the riches that are yours in Christ. Spend a little time in thanksgiving to our God. Hug your children and tell them that you are thankful for them. Tell your husbands you appreciate them. Communicate to family and friends your gratitude for them. After all, it is the season... so let us be thankful!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Is it in you?

I have been thinking about this post for a while, as it has knocked about in the pin ball machine of my head. And before, I write anymore, I want to give this caveat; my writings are personal reflections. They come from my struggles and are not in anyway meant to be statements of others conduct. I hope they encourage us all to think and to love our Lord more.

Gatorade came up with the catchy advertising logo, "Is it in you?" As I have been mulling the current topic over and searching my own heart, those four words kept popping into my thoughts. As my children grow older, I have met with struggles that I never thought would be struggles. My son, questions almost everything and treads the boundaries. About 90% of his questions, I would think, he need not ask, if only he would think through biblically. He knows the answers. My daughters asked this year to wear a two piece?!?!?! What? They want to go "Trick or Treat". They want to wear slightly immodest/inappropriate clothing, and ears pierced. What about this song or movie? And what about the Sabbath? The list goes on and on...

I have wondered with incredulity at their struggles. They have all been taught since birth to know better. I have always pointed to the greater authority in my parenting and tried hard not to be arbitrary (living by the standard of doing things in faith.)God and his holy law, have been laid before them. They have been taught the scriptural principals from their youth. Many prayers have been offered on their behalf. They are God's children, I am only a steward. They know that we are to be "holy", set apart, for we belong not to ourselves, but to God.

But, as is usually the case, as I have thought through it all, praying and asking for wisdom, the pointer finger comes back to me. (Thus the title, "Is it in you?") I have had to ask myself, are these struggles in you?Have I bought into the lie of worldliness?Am I allowing myself to compromise because, everyone else does and it is the path of least resistance. Have I forgotten the standard of our God, so high, so unattainable, that it took the death of a perfect sacrifice? Have I forgotten that I was bought with Christ's blood? Have I forgotten to fear our "holy, holy, holy" God? Have I forgotten that I am called to walk in the fruit of the spirit with righteousness and love? Have I forgotten the love to our Redeemer that should motivate us to want more godliness and piety? Why settle? Is our God, is our Savior, is the Holy Spirit so easily set aside? Why do I not love him more and hate the world more? My heart lies open and condemned. Yes, worldliness is in me. I am lazy and I forget, Lord please help me, for even my repentance needs to be repented of.

My children struggle, because in all honesty, I struggle. I am inconsistent at best. And it is here that comfort is manifested. My failure, my inability to be upright, my completely hopeless condition all point me back to grace. I end up back on my knees. A sinner fleeing to my Savior. Oh, how I need Him! And what a blessing that He loves and does not despise up when we are debased and humbled before Him. When our world would disdain and mock, God draws near.

Let us draw near to him in repentence. Let us seek more fervantly His face. Let us live our lives as "ambassadors" for Christ who are set apart and who are different. May the world see Christ in us and may we be "salt and light". And let us never grow weary of pointing our children to Christ even as we apply in our parenting the holy laws of the King of kings. May we be transparent but not wavering, firm in love, and steadfast in Our beloved Redeemer who is ever so holy. May we not be content with having worldliness in us, or in our children! Will we not pray for our children and for each other!